NextGen CM/ECF Go-Live Date is January 17, 2017
The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals will upgrade the CM/ECF System to the Next Generation of CM/ECF in January 2017. The process will begin on Saturday, January 14 at 8:00am and complete by Tuesday, January 17 at 8:00am. Documentation will be posted on this page with the most current information beginning with the initial e-mail that will be sent to all registered attorneys in open cases in the 8th Circuit. The week of January 30, the court will send an e-mail to the non-active attorneys to inform them of the process of upgrading and linking their account.
REVISED E-Mail Sent to Registered Attorneys the week of January 2, 2017
If you have already upgraded your PACER account for another NextGen court, or if your PACER account was created after August 10, 2014 you already have an upgraded PACER account. No further action is required until January 17, 2017 (or until you intend to file in CM/ECF) when you must link your upgraded PACER account with your CM/ECF account. If you do not have an upgraded PACER account, you must upgrade the account by clicking the link below.
Action Required - Upgrading a Legacy Pacer Account
In order to file documents in the NextGen system, your upgraded PACER account must be linked to your CM/ECF account. The process of linking your upgraded PACER account to your CM/ECF account will begin on Tuesday, January 17, 2017. Detailed instructions can be found by clicking the Action Required link below.
Action Required Before Filing - Link Upgraded PACER Account with CM/ECF Account