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The CM/ECF help desk is available only for technical assistance in logging into CM/ECF. Please call the appropriate Case Manager for case information. Find the appropriate Case Manager based on the last two digits of your case number as shown below:



00-16 Nicole G. 314-244-2452
25-41 Maddison B. 314-244-2475
17-18; 42-56 Hillary G. 314-244-2471
19-21; 71-84 Clifford J. 314-244-2461
22-24; 85-99 Britny W. 314-244-2470
57-70 Diane S. 314-244-2453




For permission to fax or email documents in an emergency situation, please call the Clerk’s Office at 314-244-2400.


For general information not related to a particular case, please call the Clerk’s Office at 314-244-2400.